- 1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1 oz butterscotch schnapps
1 oz root beer schnapps
Pour ingredients into a stainless shaker over ice. Shake until ice cold. Pour into an old-fashioned glass with ice, and serve.
Pour ingredients into a stainless shaker over ice. Shake until ice cold. Pour into an old-fashioned glass with ice, and serve.
Shake ingredients together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Pour into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Mix in cocktail shaker with ice. Serve on the rocks. Garnish with chocolate shavings & chopped roast nuts.
Pour into a heat-proof goblet, sweeten with brown sugar (to taste), and serve.
Pour the half-and-half into the middle of the peppermint schnapps in a chilled cocktail glass. Drop in the grenadine, and serve.
Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.
Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve.
Place kiwi slice in the bottom of the glass. Add alcohols. Fill with mountain dew.
Pour orange juice into a red wine glass and add amaretto. Garnish with the stick of cinnamon as a stirrer and serve.
Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a cherry, and serve.
Add rum and grenadine to a glass. Fill with coke. Ice optional.
Carefully layer, in order, into a glass.
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a whiskey sour glass, and serve.
Pour the Campari, dry vermouth and Cointreau into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Pour into a heat-proof goblet, and serve.
Shake ingredients together with a few ice cubes and serve straight up with a twist of lemon in a cocktail glass.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Combine cognac, tuaca and pineapple juice with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake, strain and serve.
Mix contents in a martini shaker with ice and serve in a chilled martini glass.
Shake with a glassful of broken ice and pour unstrained into a collins glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple, two cherries and a sprig of mint, and serve.
Heat well in a heat-resistant glass or cup. Stir, add twists of lemon and orange peel, and serve.
Hand shake or blend with ice the Liqueur with the Sweet + Sour. Strain this mixture from the ice into a pounder glass with the Schnapps, Malibu, Creme de banane and soda. Float the Blue Curacao before serving.
Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge, and serve.
Pour the Bacardi 151 rum and Wild Turkey 101 bourbon whiskey into a shot glass. Stir, and float grenadine on top. Shoot immediately.
Shake all ingredients (except orange slice) with ice and strain into a whiskey sour glass. Add the orange slice and serve.
Pour the vodka first, add grapefruit juice, and fill with about 6 ounces of 7-up or Sprite.
Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
This drink is ideally made in a 16 ounce glass, but can also be made in a Collins glass. The drink is served on the rocks. Add the Midori, Malibo, and Schnaps. Add juices. Shake in a tin. Garnish with either two cherries or with a kiwi wheel.
Pour the cranberry-raspberry juice into a champagne saucer and stir in the Smirnoff Vanilla Twist vodka next. Add a splash of Malibu coconut rum on top and serve.
Pour ingredients into an old-fashioned glass with/without ice, and stir. Sip or shoot.
Shake all ingredients (except orange slice) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Add orange slice and serve.
Shake and strain into a collins glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a cherry, and serve.
Pour the tequila, Kahlua coffee liqueur and hot chocolate into an Irish coffee cup or glass, and stir well. Float the cream on top of the drink by pouring across the back of a teaspoon, and serve.
Combine and mix all ingredients in equal portions, and serve.
Pour southern comfort, amaretto, vodka and sour mix into a shaker. Fill with sprite, shake, and strain (or roll) into a glass.
Stir ingredients together in a shot glass (without allowing any curdling), and shoot.
Pour the apricot brandy into a collins glass filled with ice cubes and add the soda. Stir gently and garnish with some fresh raspberries and an orange peel.
Combine the rum, dark creme de cacao, white creme de cacao, coffee (cooled to room temperature) and cream in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Dust with cinnamon, and serve.
Pour both ingredients into an Irish coffee cup or mug. Top with whipped cream. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and serve.
Combine all three ingredients in equal parts in an old-fashioned glass.
Allow the mint sprigs to infuse for 2-3 minutes in a saucepan with the boiling water. Add the honey and stir well. Allow to cool. Once cooled, filter the mixture into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Stir ingredients together in a mixing glass with cracked ice. Strain into a shot glass, and serve.
Pour the gin, grenadine and lime juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Float port on top, and serve.
Blend briefly with a glassful of crushed ice in a pina colada glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry, add straws, and serve.
Combine schnapps and cocoa in an irish coffee cup. Sweeten, to taste. Top with cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate, and serve.
Also known as Snuggler.
Pour the last 3 ingredients in a tall glass and stir well. Add crushed ice and the white wine. Add some more club soda and stir again. Garnish with a strawberry.
Pour the peppermint liqueur and iced tea into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and sweeten to taste. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon over the top, and serve.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a shot glass, and serve.
Stir and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the soda, garnish with two cherries on a stick, and serve.
Mix all ingredients in a shaker. Shake well and pour into a hurricane glass.
Pour the butterscotch schnapps, amaretto and hot chocolate into a coffee mug, and stir. Top with whipped cream, and serve.
Fill a mug with hot chocolate almost to the brim. Twist an orange peel over the mug and add it to the chocolate. Using a ladle, warm the cognac over hot water, ignite and while still flaming, pour into the mug. Garnish with whipped cream.
Blend on high until smooth. Pour into a tall glass.
Fill a hurricane glass with crushed ice, add the light, dark, and coconut rum and fill with Tropicana Twister. Stir and serve with orange and cherry garnish.
Stir ingredients together with a couple ice cubes in a highball glass, and serve.
Pour vodka into a shot glass and mix in the other ingredients. Count to three and drink.
Stir ingredients together in a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Make the cocoa in an irish coffee cup and add the cognac.
In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Pour in the kahlua, layer the milk on top, and the bacardi 151 on top of the milk. Ignite, let burn for about 10 seconds, blow out and shoot.
Combine all ingredients in a blender with crushed ice. Add enough ice-cream to make the drink thick like a malt. Serves two.
Muddle all ingredients except the whiskey in a bar glass. Add whiskey, shake with ice, and strain into an old-fashioned glass. Garnish with a pineapple and lemon wedge, a cherry, and serve.
Add the sugar, butter and cloves to a coffee mug. Pour the rum, and stir well. Fill with boiling water. Stir again, and serve.
Combine and shake all ingredients with ice, strain contents into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Add equal parts vodka, rum, and melon liqueur in a tall cocktail glass with ice. Add a couple of splashes of triple sec (orange liquor). Fill to the top with sweet and sour mix. Add a splash of 7-up and grenadine.
Layer in order.
Combine ingredients in an ice-filled shaker. Shake well, strain into old-fashioned glass, and serve.
Pour the Melon liqueur and the Blue curacao into a highball glass. Then add Sprite, and finally the ice cubes.
Stir the Jim Beam bourbon whiskey and the hot water together in a coffee mug. Float butter on top. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and a slice of lemon, and serve.
Add vodka, juices and sauce to a shaker with ice, adding salt and pepper to taste. Shake vigorously. Strain over ice cubes into a highball glass and add a lime wedge.
Combine in a pint glass, shake and serve with a lemon wedge.
Stir ingredients together in a large shot glass, and serve.
Mix the rum, grenadine, vermouth and angostura. Shake with ice. Add the olive.
Mix in glass then shake.
Stir the Southern Comfort and hot water together in a coffee mug. Float butter on top. Garnish with a cinnamon stick and a slice of lemon, and serve.
Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with cracked ice. Add an orange slice or a cherry.
Put three ice cubes in a glass then add Malibu and Blue Curacao. Fill glass half with Sprite half with Pineapple Juice. Stir and Serve.
Pour absolut kurant into a glass and fill up with sprite and ice.
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes, and serve.
Place in a cold shaker with ice. Shake for one minute and serve over ice.
Add the cinnamon, powdered sugar and butter to an Irish coffee cup/mug. Pour a single ounce of boiling water, and stir to dissolve thoroughly. Add whiskey. Fill with boiling water, stir again and serve.
Shake all ingredients over ice and pour into highball glass. No garnish.
Add vodka and triple sec to a highball glass or old-fashioned glass. Add Rockstar energy drink, then add cranberry juice and serve.
Combine ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass half-filled with cracked ice. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with both a red and green maraschino cherry, and serve.
Half fill glass with crushed ice. Add rum, triple sec, orange juice, and pineapple juice. Stir. Add Grenadine and top with cherry and other fruit.
Add the sugar to a coffee mug. Fill 2/3 with boiling water. Add brandy and stir. Garnish with a slice of lemon, dust with nutmeg, and serve.
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Pour the shots into a highball glass, fill with orange juice (to taste), and serve.
Combine creme de almond and root beer schnapps in a shot glass. Layer the half-and-half on the top.
Mix together in an old-fashioned glass.
Pour Bacardi rum into a collins glass. Add Malibu rum, Jose Cuervo tequila, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and orange juice. Stir, add a few ice cubes, and serve.
Dilute the sour mix with water and mix with the vodka in a mixing glass. Pour into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Add Hot Damn! schnapps, and serve.
In a wine glass, add the bitters to the sugar. Then add the dubonnet and a tsp. of ice. Fill the glass with champagne, stir gently and garnish with a twist of lemon peel.
Pour the Hennessy cognac into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir in the triple sec and pineapple juice, and serve.
Combine all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into several shot glasses. Serve as individual shots.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Put all in hi-ball glass and shake garnish w/lime.
Mix tuaca and cider in a large microwavable mug. Heat on high power for 2 1/2 minutes. Stir again, and serve.
Combine and shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Pour both the melon liqueur and blue curacao in the collins glass and fill with 7-up. Place the slice of lime on the top of the glass.
Just put all ingredients in a large glass with ice and shake it up. Add cranberry juice to taste.
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Combine all ingredients over ice in a highball glass. Stir, garnish with a lemon wedge, and serve.
Pour the pepper vodka, dry vermouth and olive brine into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an olive stuffed with a pickled jalapeno pepper, and serve.
Mix in a shaker, add some ice and shake very well.
Mix in this order. The blue curacao self-mixing with the sprite helps for show. Also not so keen in anything other than a clear container of course.
Shake all ingredients on ice and strain.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.
Pour dark rum, cherry brandy, lemon juice and Cointreau into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Combine the ice and liquors in a blender until the ice is well crushed. Add half-and-half and serve in an 8-oz margarita glass.
Shake well and strain into a champagne saucer.
Pour all ingredients into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, garnish with a slice of lime, and serve.
Pour first four ingredients over ice in shaker. Shake until chilled, and well blended. Pour into glass, and add 7-up. Stir to mix.
Pour all ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.
Add kool aid to a double shot glass, and top with rum. Slam and shoot.
Add all ingredients to a terracotta pot. On the side, heat up some rum on the stove. Once the rum is hot, light it and slowly pour it into the terracotta pot. Stir the beverage slowly until 2/3 of the liquid remains, then serve. Serves 8 people.
Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker with a few ice cubes. Strain into a whiskey sour glass, and serve.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Layer. Peppermint schnapps first, then the kahlua on top.
Shake well.
Shake with ice. Strain into cocktail glass.
Pour all ingredients into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.
Shake with ice and strain into a lowball glass.
Blend with ice until smooth. Serve in a hurricane glass and garnish with a lemon wheel.
Stir ingredients together in a shot glass, and shoot.
Pour all ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.
Mix all ingredients in shaker. Pour over ice. Garnish with cherry.
Pour both ingredients into an old-fashioned glass 1/4 filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Shake all on Ice and strain into a Cocktail Glass.
Pour ingredients into a Collins glass filled with ice.
Add tequila to a shot glass, and add firewater.
Pour the vodka, Malibu rum, peach schnapps, pineapple juice and grenadine into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Add the whipped cream, and shake vigorously until frothy. Pour into a small highball glass or equivalent, and serve.
Pour rum and vodka over ice, and add juices one by one, letting the juices swirl together, rather than mix. Garnish with a slice of lime, orange, or pineapple.
In a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Shake all ingredients (except nutmeg) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve.
Pour vodka, blue curacao and sour mix over ice in an old-fashioned glass. Fill with 7-up, and serve.
Mix the boiling water with a package of green apple jell-o. Allow the jell-o to dissolve for 1 minute. Add chilled DeKuyper Sour Apple Pucker schnapps; stir until well combined. Pour into 1-oz disposable shot glasses which can be found at most party and food supply stores. Refridgerate for several hours until jell-o sets. Makes about 20 shot-sized servings.
Combine all ingredients with 1/2 cup crushed ice in an electric blender. Blend at a low speed for a short length of time. Pour into a collins glass and serve.
Take the glass and rub the edge on a lemon, then dip the rim in sugar. Drop the ice cubes into the glass, pour a 1/3 liqueur and fill it up with Sprite. Stir.
Carefully layer ingredients, in order, into an old-fashioned glass.
Shake all ingredients (except nutmeg) with ice and strain contents into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve.
Build over ice in a highball glass. Squeeze in lemon wedges, stir, and serve.
Mix lime vodka, absolut citron and juice together and put it in a shot glass. Add galliano right before serving. Shoot it.
Combine peach schnapps and coffee liqueur over ice cubes in an old-fashioned glass. Add half-and-half, and serve.
Larger glass can be used if more cream or milk is needed to soften the impact of the drink.
Pour the hawaiian schnapps, triple sec and orange juice (to taste) into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.
Shake in an ice filled shaker. Strain and serve.
Pour ingredients in glass and shake vigorously.
Mix thoroughly.
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Pour Vodka and Amaretto into a coffee mug then fill with prepared Nestle Hot Chocolate.Top with whipped cream or marshmellows and cherry.
Stir ingredients together in a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.
Add everything but the bitters and lemon juice to a blender with four ice cubes. Blend for less than a half minute (the ice cubes should not be totally disintegrated). Pour into a highball glass, add the bitters and lemon juice, and serve.
Shake all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, garnish with a slice of orange, and serve.
Place the ingredients in the order above into a shot glass and shoot.
Mix ingredients in order; cream last, stir, and serve.
Fill glass with ice, then add schnapps & 7-Up. Add Grenadine and let settle to the bottom of the glass. Carefully float the Blue Curacao over the top of the drink.
Mix apple schnapps, gold tequila and daiquiri mix in a collins glass filled with ice. Fill to the top with 7-up.
Pour the whisky, peppermint schnapps and Pernod into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a lemon twist, and serve.
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake until very chilled; serve immediately.
Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a shot glass, and serve.
Shake with ice (drink should be a bit foamy). Pour into a martini glass. Garnish with a cherry.
Mix all ingredients together with lots of ice.
Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with club soda and stir.
Serve in an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice.
Add crushed ice, gin, vodka, and red bull to a cocktail shaker, or use two glassesto mix. Pour into a collins glass over ice, add a splash of grenadine and garnish with cherries.
Fill half of a shot glass with Sambuca. Slowly fill the other half with vodka (to get layer effect). Add 3 drops of Tabasco sauce (it should swim in between the two layers) and serve.
Pour over ice.
Pour kahlua over ice. Add milk and rye whiskey, stir, and serve.
Stir without ice and pour over ice into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of orange.
Shake and strain into a champagne saucer filled with crushed ice. Garnish with an orange wedge and serve.
Stir ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.
Fill shaker (or glass) with crushed ice. Pour schnapps in first and top with Snapple. Shake like hell and pour into a frosted (preferably) highball glass.
Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass half-filled with broken ice.
Combine all ingredients together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into shot glasses, and serve.
Combine vanilla vodka, orange juice and some ice cubes in a highball glass and stir.
Pour into an ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with a cherry and a sprig of mint, and serve.
Mix, shake, stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Pour Wild Turkey into a shot glass. Add Bacardi 151 proof rum, stir briefly and serve.
Pour all ingredients into a collins glass over ice cubes, stir, and serve.
Pour two ounces of yukon jack over ice. Add a dash of lime juice, and serve.
Pour grand marnier into a champagne flute. Fill almost to the top with champagne and top off with fresh orange juice.
Pour into a stainless steel shaker over ice. Shake until ice cold, pour into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass, and serve.
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.