Hillinator Recipe


  • 3 oz Captain Morgan Original spiced rum
    1 oz Firewater cinnamon schnapps
    8 oz Mountain Dew citrus soda
    4 tbsp sugar

Mix the captain morgans, mountain dew and sugar in one glass. Pour the fire water into a shot glass. Take the shot, then follow it with the mixed drink. Make sure to drink the mixed drink quickly.

Grand Master Recipe


  • 2 oz Scotch whisky
    1/2 oz peppermint schnapps
    3 oz club soda
    1 twist lemon peel

Pour the scotch, schnapps, and soda into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with the lemon twist.

El Presidente Cocktail #3 Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz white rum
    3/4 oz dry vermouth
    1/2 oz Cointreau orange liqueur
    1/2 oz lemon juice
    1 dash grenadine syrup

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice; shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist. Grenadine and lemon juice are optional.

High Class Recipe


  • 2 shots Amaretto Di Saronno liqueur
    5 ice cubes
    1 lemon wedge
    1 tsp sugar
    2 oz sweet vermouth

Add ice cubes to a glass, and coat them evenly with the sweet vermouth. Swirl the vermouth around, then pour out the excess. Sift sugar onto the vermouth-coated cubes. Add approximately two shots of amaretto. Garnish with a swirled lemon peel and serve.

For contrast, try adding a few drops of lemon juice to the drink.

Creamsicle #8 Recipe


  • 1 oz triple sec
    1 oz white creme de cacao
    1 oz advocaat liqueur
    2 oz orange juice
    2 oz milk

Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and pour into a hurricane glass with an orange and cherry garnish, and serve.

Creamsicle #7 Recipe


  • 1 oz amaretto almond liqueur
    1/2 oz grenadine syrup
    4 oz half-and-half
    2 oz orange juice

Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker or blender with crushed ice, depending whether you want it chilled or not. May have to adjust orange juice and cream for taste, whether you like it tart or not. These are just approx. on juice and cream. Excellent drink for the person who likes creamy drinks.

Widow Maker Recipe


  • 1/2 oz Absolut vodka
    1/2 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
    1/2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur
    2 drops grenadine syrup

Fill an old-fashioned glass half full with ice. Add first three ingredients into the glass and sway lightly to mix them together. Add the 2 drops of grenadine for the red hour glass on the bottom of the widow maker spider.

El Nino Recipe


  • 1 oz vodka
    1 oz peach schnapps
    1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    2 oz pineapple juice
    2 oz orange juice
    1 splash soda water

Mix all ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Strain over ice in a hurricane glass, and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a cherry.

Smurf-o-tonic Recipe


  • 4 cl gin
    2 cl Blue Curacao liqueur
    fill with tonic water
    1 lime wedge

Pour the gin, blue curacao and the tonic water into a highball glass half filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Garnish with the lime wedge. If you want, you can add the blue curacao after stirring the drink.

Grand Fashion Recipe


  • 1 tsp sugar
    1 cherry
    1 orange
    Bacardi white rum
    red wine

Muddle a teaspoon of sugar, cherry and orange in a chilled martini glass. Add ice, bacardi barrel aged rum, and rouge aperitif wine. Shake well. Garnish with a blood orange wheel.

Creamsicle #4 Recipe


  • 1 oz Absolut Citron vodka
    2 oz orange juice
    1 tsp grenadine syrup

Place about 4 ice cubes in a cocktail glass. Pour in Absolut Citron and fill the glass around three-quarters of the way with orange juice. Top off with grenadine, stir and serve.

Wicked Apple Recipe


  • 1 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
    1 oz Stolichnaya vodka
    4 oz apple juice
    1 splash ginger ale

Pour jagermeister into a highball glass filled with ice. Add vodka, and almost fill completely with apple juice. Add just a splash of ginger ale, garnish with an orange slice, and serve.

Gold Bomb Recipe


  • 1 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps
    4 - 5 oz Red Bull energy drink

Place a shot glass filled with Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps into the bottom of a wide glass, Fill the outer glass with Red Bull until it flows into the shot glass. Allow to mix for 20 seconds and then drink as fast as possible.

Creamsicle #3 Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz vanilla liqueur
    1/2 oz Grand Marnier orange liqueur
    1 splash orange juice
    1 pinch sugar

Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice, give it a few good shakes and strain into a cocktail glass with a sugar rim. More potent than the original. Enjoy!

Grampa Doogin Recipe


  • 2 oz Yukon Jack Canadian whisky
    2 oz blueberry schnapps
    3 oz orange juice
    3 oz cranberry juice

Layer Yukon Jack on the bottom of an old-fashioned glass, add the blueberry then the orange juice. Top with cranberry juice.

El Chupacabras Recipe


  • 1/2 oz Patron silver tequila
    1/2 oz Agavero tequila liqueur
    1 splash lemon juice
    1 splash lime juice
    1/2 oz mango juice
    1 splash Dr. Pepper vanilla soda
    1 drop Tapatio hot sauce

Pour the mango juice and Dr. Pepper Vanilla to a cocktail glass. In two seperate mixing glasses, mix the Patron tequila with the lime juice, and the Agavero tequila with the lemon juice. Pour both into the cocktail glass. Top with Tapatio, and serve.

Smurf Cocktail Recipe


  • 2 cl vodka
    15 cl orange juice
    7 cl Sprite soda
    2 dashes grenadine syrup
    1/2 dash strawberry margarita mix
    ice cubes

Take the vodka in first, then orange juice and sprite. Then you take some dashes of grenadine and stirr it around for 20 sec. On the top of it you have a little dash of Strawb.marg.mix. Add ice cubes.

Whitney Recipe


  • 2 parts Bacardi white rum
    1 part blush wine
    1 tbsp lemon juice

Add ingredients chilled for better flavor. Avoid ice cubes to prevent watered down taste. Mix rum first (must be a white rum), add a dark type of wine (blush or red is fine), and finally a touch of lemon juice. Get ready to have fun!

El Bano Recipe


  • 1 oz tequila
    2 oz tonic water
    3 oz orange juice

Pour the tequila and orange juice in a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass, and top with tonic water. Stir briefly. Garnish with half of a Twix chocolate bar.

Godhead Recipe


  • 1/4 shot rum
    1/4 shot vodka
    1/4 shot raspberry liqueur
    1 dash lime juice
    1 dash 151 proof rum

Pour rum, vodka, raspberry liqueur and lime juice into a strainer glass. Chill with ice and strain into your shot glass. Float 151 rum on top of shot. Throw down or ignite and throw down. (Igniting the 151 rum will lower the alcoholic content.)


Smooch Recipe


  • 1/2 oz Malibu coconut rum
    1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur
    1/2 oz sloe gin
    1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
    1/2 oz peach schnapps
    fill with 1/2 orange juice
    fill with 1/2 pineapple juice

Pour into a tall glass over ice, shake to mix all ingredients well, garnish with a cherry or an orange slice if you so desire.

Cream Sherry Sangaree Recipe


  • 2 oz cream sherry
    1/2 oz benedictine herbal liqueur
    1 tsp superfine sugar
    2 tsp water
    2 1/2 oz club soda
    1 pinch grated nutmeg
    1 pinch ground cinnamon

Add the sugar to a highball glass. Add water and sherry, and stir to dissolve sugar. Almost fill the glass with crushed ice, and add club soda. Float the benedictine on top. Garnish with a lemon twist, a dusting of nutmeg and cinnamon, and serve.

Ejhazz Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz Absolut vodka
    3 oz Dole orchard peach juice
    1 - 3 drops vanilla

Add vodka and peach juice. Fill glass with ice and add vanilla to taste. If the drink is too sweet, dilute it with water.

Flatliner #3 Recipe


  • 1 oz Chartreuse herbal liqueur
    1 oz gold tequila
    1 - 7 drops Tabasco sauce

Pour the tequila over the chartreuse in a 2-oz shot glass. Add desired amount of tabasco sauce, and serve. (1-2 drops for the weak, 3-4 for the mid-strength, 4-7 for the adventurous, 7+ for the herculean efforts.)

Cream Sherry Flip Recipe


  • 2 1/2 oz cream sherry
    1 egg
    1 tsp superfine sugar
    1 tsp light cream
    1 tsp grated nutmeg

Combine the sherry, egg, sugar and cream in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes, and shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass, garnish with a dusting of nutmeg, and serve.

Graceland Recipe


  • 1 oz dry vermouth
    1 oz sweet vermouth
    1/2 oz Scotch whisky
    1 dash bitters

Pour the vermouth, whisky and bitters into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.

Deep-sea Diver Recipe


  • 2 oz overproof rum
    2 oz dark rum
    3/4 oz white rum
    3/4 oz triple sec
    1/2 tsp powdered sugar
    1/4 oz lime syrup
    1 oz lime juice

Shake well over crushed ice in a shaker, and strain into a large highball glass over crushed ice.

Cream Sherry Cobbler Recipe


  • 2 1/2 oz cream sherry
    1 tsp superfine sugar
    3 oz club soda

Add the sugar to an old-fashioned glass. Pour in the club soda, and stir to dissolve. Add crushed ice until the glass is almost full, then add sherry, and stir well. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, a slice of orange, and a slice of lemon, and serve.

Smoked Martini Recipe


  • 1 part Glenlivet Scotch whisky
    1 part Absolut vodka
    1 lemon slice

Pour the scotch and vodka into a pitcher, and squeeze in the juice from a slice of lemon. Mix with ice, let stand for a few minutes to chill, then pour into glasses with ice. Add lemon to taste.

Gorky Park Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
    1/2 oz cherry brandy
    1 oz lemon juice

Pour vodka, cherry brandy and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

Cream Samba Recipe


  • 1/2 oz brandy
    1 1/4 oz coconut liqueur
    2 1/2 oz ice cream

Combine all ingredients with some crushed ice in a blender. Blend for 2 minuets. Pour into a cocktail glass and garnish with dessicated coconut and fruit identical to the flavor of the ice-cream.

Deep Valley Recipe


  • 3 cl Beefeater gin
    2 cl Blue Curacao liqueur
    1 cl lemon juice
    4 cl pineapple juice
    5 cl soda water

Pour gin and blue curacao into an ice-filled collins glass. Add lemon juice, pineapple juice and soda. Stir, and garnish with a long lemon twist, a cherry and mint leaves.

Flaming Rasta Recipe


  • 1 part amaretto almond liqueur
    1 part grenadine syrup
    1 part Bacardi 151 rum

Take a tall shot glass, a straw and a lighter. When the drink is poured make sure your 151 is on top. Take your straw and lick it so it is wet. Light the drink (run the lighter over top), put your straw in and drink it fast.

Cream Puff Recipe


  • 2 oz white rum
    1 oz light cream
    1 tsp powdered sugar
    6 oz club soda

Pour the rum, light cream and powdered sugar into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain over 2 or 3 ice cubes in a highball glass. Fill with club soda, and serve.

Deep Sea Sex Recipe


  • 1/3 oz melon liqueur
    1/3 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    1/3 oz amaretto almond liqueur
    1 splash sweet and sour mix
    1 splash 7-Up soda

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well. Pour the contents into a highball glass, and serve.

Flaming Orchard Recipe


  • 1/2 oz peach schnapps
    1/2 oz Midori melon liqueur
    1/4 oz Galliano white sambuca
    1 slice lime
    1/4 tsp caster sugar

1. Place a 1-oz shot glass on a saucer, then fill the glass with equal amount of peach schnapps and Midori melon liqueur. Across the rim of the glass, place a slice of lime and sprinkle with caster sugar. Pour sambuca over the lime so it flows onto the saucer. Ignite the lime and the liquor on the saucer.

2. To drink, either wait till the flame goes out, or blow it out if you could. Drink from the shot glass, pour the liquor on the saucer into the glass, drink, then suck on the lime.

Cream Fizz Recipe


  • 2 oz gin
    1 tsp powdered sugar
    juice of 1/2 lemons
    1 tsp light cream
    carbonated water

Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a highball glass over two ice cubes. Fill with carbonated water, stir, and serve.

Gorilla Smile Recipe


  • 1/2 banana
    3 oz strawberries
    2 oz fruit punch
    2 oz Bacardi light rum
    1 oz banana liqueur
    1 1/2 oz peach schnapps

Combine all in a blender with 8-12 oz of ice, blend. Garnish with a banana slice speared through an umbrella.

Cream Bomb Recipe


  • 1 oz Malibu coconut rum
    1 oz white rum
    2 oz melon liqueur
    1 oz cream
    2 drops strawberry syrup
    2 oz orange juice

Shake the Malibu coconut rum, white rum, melon liqueur, orange juice and cream in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Add the syrup last, and serve.

Smiler Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz tequila
    1/2 oz lemon juice
    1/2 tsp superfine sugar
    2 tsp ruby port

Pour tequila, lemon juice, sugar and port into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and pour into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

White Sands Recipe


  • 2 oz Havana Club 7 Years rum
    1 tsp creme de bananes
    1/2 tsp coffee liqueur
    2/3 oz lime juice
    2/3 oz pineapple juice

Shake and strain into a frosted cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry, and serve.

Crazy Parrot Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz Captain Morgan Parrot Bay coconut rum
    3/4 oz 151 proof rum
    2 oz pineapple juice
    1 1/2 oz cranberry juice

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

Flaming Moz Recipe


  • 1 part Blue Curacao liqueur
    1 part white sambuca
    1 part Green Chartreuse

1. Place a short rocks (wide mouthed spirit) glass on the bar.

2. Pour the blue curacao, white sambuca and chartreuse into a brandy balloon (snifter). Place the brandy balloon horizontally, balancing on the mouth of the short rock.

3. Ignite the alcohol in the brandy balloon, and rotate (like a cement mixer). Pour mixture into the short rock while alight.

The stream of alcohol falling between the glasses should form a waterfall of fire cascading into the short rock.

4. Use the upside down brandy balloon to suffocate the drink in the short rock.

5. Be sure the flames are out. Remove the brandy balloon and inhale the fumes. Shoot the drink, and hold on to the bar.

Smeraldo Recipe


  • 3/10 oz dry gin
    3/10 oz fruit juice
    2/10 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    1/10 oz Cointreau orange liqueur
    1/10 oz peach nectar

Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake it for a while and serve in a cold cocktail glass.

Deep Blue Something Recipe


  • 1 oz vodka
    1 oz peach schnapps
    1 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    8 oz can Red Bull energy drink

Mix the vodka, peach schnapps and Red Bull together in a collins glass. Add a small amount of curacao until the mixture is a deep green. Add some ice, and pour the remainder of the curacao down the side of the glass to leave a blue layer at the base of the glass.

Pretty Thing Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
    1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
    1/2 oz coconut cream
    1/2 oz heavy cream

Pour vodka, amaretto, coconut cream and heavy cream into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Gooseberry Jam Recipe


  • 1 oz vodka
    1 oz Southern Comfort peach liqueur
    2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
    6 oz orange juice

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker or blender with plenty of crushed ice. Shake until slightly frothy, pour into a highball glass, and serve.

White Romanian Recipe


  • 3 oz Stolichnaya vodka
    1 1/2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur
    1 oz banana liqueur
    3 oz milk
    2 slices bananas

Pour Stoli vodka, kahlua and banana liqueur into a highball glass or cup with ice. Top off with milk, followed by two slices of thinly cut bananas. Stir and serve.

Deedee Cocktail Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz gin
    1 oz cranberry juice
    1/4 oz maraschino liqueur
    1/4 oz lemon juice
    1/4 oz lime juice

Pour the gin, cranberry juice, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice and lime juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with gin-infused cranberries, and serve.

Flaming Mo Recipe


  • 3/4 oz Stoli Persik vodka
    1/2 oz Malibu coconut rum
    1 tsp 151 proof rum
    8 oz pineapple juice

Pour Stoli peach vodka and Malibu rum into a shot glass. Top with enough 151 proof rum to be able to burn. Fill a pint glass with pineapple juice (right up to the level of the shot glass). Ignite the Stoli peach vodka/Malibu/151 mixture and allow to burn for a while. Pick up the burning shot glass, drop it into the pint glass and slam it.

Presidential Margarita Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz Presidente brandy
    1 1/2 oz Cointreau orange liqueur
    1 1/2 oz Sauza Hornitos Resposado tequila
    juice of 1 limes

Pour each ingredent into a large glass and add ice. Rim a margarita glass with lime and salt, fill with ice and garnish with a lime slice. Carefully pour contents of large glass into the salted margarita glass, leaving salt undisturbed.

Goombay Smash Charleston Style Recipe


  • 1 oz Bacardi white rum
    3/4 oz Captain Morgan Original spiced rum
    1/3 fresh, sliced banana
    2 oz orange juice
    3 oz pineapple juice
    1 splash grenadine syrup

Cut banana into small pieces; mix with rums and juices and ice in a mixing tin; shake vigorously, pour into glass, and add a splash of grenadine for color.

White Mess Recipe


  • 1 part Bacardi white rum
    1 part creme de cassis
    1 part root beer schnapps
    1 part Malibu coconut rum
    1 part heavy cream

In a mixing tin, combine all ingredients with ice and shake. Strain into a double shot glass. Can also be made tall (add a little soda water to cut down on the cream)

Brittany Cocktail Recipe


  • 2 oz gin
    1/2 oz Amer Picon orange bitters
    1/2 oz fresh orange juice
    1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
    1/2 tsp superfine sugar

Pour the gin, Amer Picon, orange juice, lemon juice and sugar into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist, and serve.

Goombay Smash Bahamas Recipe


  • 1 oz Bacardi light rum
    1 oz coconut rum
    2 oz pineapple juice
    2 oz orange juice
    1 dash grenadine syrup

Fill a hurricane glass with crushed (or cubed) ice. Add ingredients and stir. Garnish with an orange slice and a maraschino cherry, and serve. Frozen pineapple/orange concentrate made into juice can conveniently be used as a substitute for both juices combined.

Flaming Lemon Recipe


  • 1 oz Absolut Citron vodka
    3/4 oz lemon juice
    1 tsp Everclear alcohol

Squeeze half a lemon into a mixing glass, and add the Absolut Citron. Mix them together, and pour into a shot glass. Spoon the Everclear over the surface of the mixture, light on fire, and serve.

British Comfort Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort peach liqueur
    1/2 oz gin
    1/2 oz lemon juice
    1 oz orange juice

Pour the Southern Comfort, gin, lemon juice and orange juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

Presbyterian Recipe


  • 1 oz blended whiskey
    ginger ale

Pour blended whiskey into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Fill with equal parts of cola and ginger ale and stir well. Garnish with a slice of lemon and serve.

Goombay Smash #3 Recipe


  • 1 oz Bacardi gold rum
    1 oz Bacardi Coco rum
    4 oz pineapple juice
    1 splash sweet and sour mix

Pour the Bacardi gold rum and Bacardi Coco rum, along with the pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake untill well chilled. Strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and add a splash of sweet and sour mix. Stir lightly and serve.

Flaming Lemon Drop Recipe


  • 1 1/2 shots Absolut Citron vodka
    1 splash Galliano herbal liqueur
    1/2 slice lemon
    1/4 tsp sugar
    1/4 tsp 151 proof rum

Pour absolut citron into a shot glass and top off with a splash of galliano. Place one half lemon slice flat on the rim of the shot glass, put some sugar on the slice and soak the sugar with 151 proof rum.
Just before drinking, ignite the sugar. Blow the flame out when it seems to caramelize the sugar. Lick the sugar off the lemon slice, down the vodka mixture, then either suck the juices or bite the pulp of the lemon.

British Bulldog Recipe


  • 1 oz DeKuyper Buttershots liqueur
    1 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur
    1 oz vodka
    3 oz half-and-half

Pour DeKuyper Buttershots, Kahlua coffee liqueur and vodka into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir in half-and-half until the glass is full. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, add a straw, and serve.

Death Of A Virgin Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz vodka
    1 1/2 oz peach schnapps
    1 oz lime juice
    orange juice
    7-Up soda

Pour vodka, schnapps and lime juice into a glass. Add orange juice until the glass is half-filled, and fill completely with 7-up. Stir well, and serve.

White Lightning Recipe


  • 2 oz Stoli Limonnaya vodka
    frozen lemonade concentrate

Pour both ingredients into a blender. Vary the amount of vodka according to how buzzed you want to be. Remember, it must have at least 2 oz. of vodka in order to be called white lightning. Serve in a tall glass.

Flaming Jesus Recipe


  • 1 1/2 oz Absolut vodka
    1 splash lime juice
    1 splash grenadine syrup
    Bacardi 151 rum

Pour vodka, lime juice, and grenadine into shot glass. Then layer 151 proof rum on top from the back of a spoon. Light the 151 and shoot it while lit if you dare. If you are worried about shooting a lit drink, just blow out the flame and then shoot the drink.

Death From Above Recipe


  • 1 oz Bacardi 151 rum
    1 oz Tanqueray gin
    3 oz Coca-Cola

In a freezingly chilled glass pour in Bacardi 151 and gin. Now light the drink on fire (be extra careful!) After a few seconds of burning the drink, pour in the coke, and serve.

Death By Chocolate Recipe


  • 1 oz Irish cream
    1/2 oz brown creme de cacao
    1/2 oz vodka
    1 scoop chocolate ice cream

Combine all ingredients in a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend well until smooth. Pour into a parfait glass and top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chocolate shavings, and serve.